Tuesday, October 20

>.> I Swear I'm Not a Slacker.

Yeah... Haven't been posting recently and I have an excuse! Midterms. And the odd need of sleep at 8pm. I guess running around the school all day sucks the energy out of me, besides everyone here being sick. And my art teacher is demanding an arm and a leg for her projects. I think she might secretly be evil underneath that nice facade. Anyway, I'm sitting on the school's bridge with my friend... doing absolutely nothing. I'm waiting for a class, he's waiting for....who knows what. But he's keeping me company on the crowded bridge. I had fun watching the myriad of different people speed by to their destinations, but after 20 minutes, I wanted to sleep. And I still do...... Just got a disoriented call from my friend asking me if I was in a non-existent place. -.- I have interesting friends.

Saturday, October 10

Sick. Sick. Sick.

I've been so sick recently. Seems like I'm catching all the strains of the flu and common cold my school has to offer. I rarely got sick before I started college, but I suppose being in buildings with thousands of other people instead of a few hundred make that possibility a lot higher. So now I'm sleeping all through the day and am up all night. I didn't even go to school on Friday, which I'm grateful for because the only class I intended to look forward to was canceled. Ugh. I'm still tired and groggy, so I guess this is the end of this post. Ja.

Wednesday, September 30


So I got Spore for my lovely Mac, and have been distracted from everything else in the world. LOL. I created a tiny cell a few days ago, and now, it's evolved into a race that is now exploring space. It's so interesting, and I love that I get to design everything, which most people would find tedious, but oh well. Perhaps I should finish that paper before even deciding to open up the game now. Oh, the want to procrastinate...

Sunday, September 27

"100" Down, Another "100" to Go

All these sketches, I tell you. Makes a person crazy. I've filled the sketch book on one side, now I'm starting on the other side. It's getting ridiculous what some of my sketches look like, but hey, I'm filling the book, right? And I've been horribly distracted by random games on Facebook like Mafia Wars, SuperPoke Pets and Pet Society. *shakes head* But I am getting stuff done. So, ha! And the day off tomorrow is lovely for me and my schoolmates. And the bumped schedule has my early morning teacher not coming in, so I can sleep a little later on Tuesday! That is definitely a plus for me. Now that I got my two cents in here, I'm gonna finish sketching. Ja!

Saturday, September 26

Skipped a Day - Whoops

I guess I'm not perfect after all... *pouts* Been busy trying to fill this damned sketchbook, which I feel like chucking out the window. One week for 200 sketches? When I sketch, I make pictures, not squiggly lines, which would be ideal for a task like this. Some pictures I like, but I'm not even halfway done. Maybe about 25%, and it's due Tuesday. *unscrews hand and puts a new one on* I'm hating this weekend, and it's just started.

Thursday, September 24

Kneed Some Help

This weather has my bad knee aching whenever I walk up stairs. And I probably climb over 500 per day, and it's not cool. The only benefit to running up so many stairs to catch trains and slide into class on time is that my waist has gotten slimmer. But it's not like I focus on such menial things. I probably need to go get an MRI done on this blasted knee. I'm scared to know how bad it is because I'm scared of someone puncturing a hole into my knee to fix whatever problem there is. That very thought makes my skin crawl. Anyway, keeping this short, I'm going back to my lovely homework. :D

Wednesday, September 23

Tired... And 40 Pages Left Along With Editing - And Let's Not Forget 200 Pages of Sketching!

I SO want to crawl into my bed and not wake up until tomorrow morning, but I still have some unfinished homework to attend to. My cute Anthropology teacher has us reading 60 pages of articles, which is mostly filled with people I don't know comparing other people I don't know for I don't give a damn. But... He's so sad when people don't read the articles he gives us. I shall make him proud! Even if I must tape my eyes open and listen to thrash metal to prevent me from falling asleep. And on top of the reading, I must finish editing this stupid essay for my English class. Another personal essay with no type of formal format whatsoever. I make mine formal anyway, but the fact we are allowed to address the reader still bugs me. Anyway, that should be a piece of cake since I already started. I might edit my friend's, too. But he hasn't gotten to me yet, so maybe the next essay I'll help him peer edit. OH! And the most daunting task of them all... Sketching 200 - TWO HUNDRED sketches of the same item by next Tuesday. *sigh*The bright side of this all is the three day weekend where I won't be going anywhere but in my now cluttered room to draw, glue, cut, write, type and read. Fun times as a full time college student, eh?

Tuesday, September 22


Apparently the extent of my rusty CSS is at it's limit. I wanted the main section of the blog to have a background image... However something called padding is getting in my way. It shifts the image over and leaves a gap in between the left edge and the beginning of the picture. And not only that, apparently the bottom apparently has padding at the bottom of the main section, so while the sidebar is looking cute, the main section looks dilapidated and gross. I probably spent an hour and more fiddling with the settings to no avail. Now I'm sleepy and grumpy. *goes to bed*

Monday, September 21

So Annoying

I have a teacher who insists on going too fast in notes and sometimes doesn't even provide them. How the hell am I supposed to take notes when she's speaking 67mph? And on top of an accent where some of her words are questionable. *sigh* Well, let me go back to listening to her ramble on about something about anthropology. Hopefully she gives us something to go on afterward.

Sunday, September 20

Spammers Are Getting Smart... But I'm Smarter! (I Think)

Recently I've been getting tired of the amount of spam in my folder on Gmail, so I decided to create one of those spiffy filters that sends all those annoying people straight to the trash. All in one go, those spammers were demoted to the trash where I don't see them. Sounds good, right? Only problem - my own sent mail was being sent to the trash as well. I wondered why and went into my filters to see my own email address in my spam filters and thought it nothing much as a pure accident until today where I saw spam in my inbox for the first time in months. From my own email address. I panicked a bit, thinking that my account was hacked, but there's no way anyone could have downloaded a keylogger onto my computer. Besides, I have it where my password is protected from those type of programs, should the rare occurrence that one would happen upon my precious baby. When I came to my senses, I saw that the sender had a different name as the sender, instead of my own. Immediately, I made a filter and sent that sucker to the trash. But then I thought - if that one person could do it, so could anyone else. Smartly, I made a filter on my own email address BUT I made an exception with my name and a signature I will put in the email. With that, all other spam emails will be sent to the trash without me worrying about my emails bouncing and whatnot. Hopefully.

Saturday, September 19

So, This Is My First Blog

I have no idea what I should blog about. Usually people have something in mind when they create these things, but I'll most likely forget about it and move on to something different. But, if I do remember, I still don't know what I'd put on here. I guess I can start with a cute picture of a panda I found. As you can tell by the name, I love pandas. :D They're the cutest fuzzy beings ever!